Friday, November 30, 2012

Vanessa's Story: Part Six

If you are new to joining this series, please start with my first post and hear about our foster care journey with Baby Vanessa.

Roosevelt church praying for Vanessa Jr & Sr at their baby shower

Vanessa Sr. arrived to Phoenix the first week of June and within two weeks CPS had approved for baby Vanessa to move in with Grandma. May and June was a whirlwind for our family. We were so blessed by how much Roosevelt Community Church supported or efforts to wrap our arms around Grandma and Baby Vanessa.  A large group of men from Roosevelt church met the moving van at Vanessa's new home and helped unload her belongings.  The ladies of Roosevelt threw Vanessa a baby shower and we had such a sweet and special time of prayer for this new family. And I had a blast decorating Vanessa's new nursery and helping Grandma get ready for this precious one to join her family.

Finally, the day came for Vanessa to go to her forever home. It was hard emotionally. As I said in my previous post, it is really hard to explain the emotional impact of losing foster children. My desire and hope from day one was that Vanessa would be able to have reunification with her family and I was fully aware that she did not "belong" to me. But at the same time, for almost 7 months I was Vanessa's mama... She was fully dependent on me for love, support, and safety. I still do not have words to fully describe the loss, except to say that it was there and it was real.

But the pain and loss that happens in foster care is only possible if you fully love that child. It is hard, but it is not a pain that you wish would go away. That would minimize the love and attachment you had for that child. It is a pain that can only be understood in light of the gospel. In light of what the Lord has done and is doing for us. Again and again I think of Paul's words in Romans 8, "For I consider, that the suffering of this present time are not worth comparing to the glory that is to be revealed to us." How true those precious words are! The pain is not worth comparing to the glory that God is bringing about both in eternity and here on earth as he works to bring broken families back together again.

In the last 6 months that Vanessa no longer lived with us, she has remained a close part of our family. Vanessa Sr. has become "grandma" to my children and a "mom" to Vermon and me and refers to us as Baby Vanessa's "Aunt" and "Uncle". She has taught me to cook some delicious Southern dishes and has made many wonderful meals for our family. She has joined our church family and been an incredible blessing. I never imagined I would be able to share Thanksgiving dinner with Vanessa's bio family or sing along side them in worship on Sunday mornings...the Lord has blessed and been so good to us!

Yesterday, Vanessa Sr. was finally able to adopt Vanessa Jr! It was a wonderful, special day and reminded me of how big our God is and how mighty he is to save.

Vanessa's Adoption!!
Vanessa's baby dedication at Roosevelt

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